
The game-changing enterprise software.  


Qué es Odoo

What is Odoo?

Odoo erp  is the free business management software capable of covering all the needs of your business, thanks to the integration of its multiple applications:  Odoo CRM , accounting, inventory, online marketing, project management, human resources, etc.   

Odoo has an application for every business need, bringing together in a single platform your customized, cost-effective and modular solution, which will allow your organization to save time and resources,  managing your business in a unified way.


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Odoo Apps, a solution for every need

All Odoo applications are fully integrated and communicate with each other.

Forget problematic integrations and achieve outstanding user experience.

Odoo updates versions every year and with Odoo 15 has become one of the largest contributors to open source in the world.  


Aplicaciones Odoo

and much more...

discover the right ERP for your company




Manage all your company's needs centrally, online and accessible from any device, favoring teleworking.


Its customizable, accessible and intuitive design will save your company time and resources. 


Thanks to regular updates and releases of new versions of Odoo, you will be able to provide solutions in an agile way to the new needs that arise in your business.

Main new features Odoo 17

Redesigned User Interface.

Improved usability and appearance:
Odoo 17 offers a completely redesigned user interface that redefines the business management experience, optimizing user interaction with intuitive navigation and a cleaner, more modern design.
This redesign facilitates customization and improves efficiency in day-to-day operations, reflecting Odoo's ongoing commitment to innovation and continuous improvement.

Advanced Search Options.

Editable searches and customized filters:
With more powerful filters and enhanced search capabilities, users can perform deep and targeted searches within large volumes of data, facilitating complex information management and strategic decision making with unprecedented accuracy.
These refined search tools demonstrate Odoo's commitment to accessibility and optimized user experience.

Mail Handling Enhancements

Email aliases and bounced mail feedback: 
With Odoo 17, we experienced a significant evolution in email management.
 Its enhanced integration with other Odoo applications allows for smoother synchronization and more centralized communication management, ensuring that customer interactions are more consistent and effective.
These enhancements reinforce Odoo's ability to serve as a one-stop solution for all business communication needs.

Kanban and List Facilities

Rapid creation of records and mass duplication:
Odoo version 17 brings major enhancements to the Kanban and List views, two of the most appreciated tools for visual project and task management.
Users will benefit from a smoother experience with faster record creation, easier direct editing and new options for view customization.
These facilities enable more intuitive control and streamlined organization of workloads, facilitating adaptation to agile methodologies and significantly improving team productivity.

Mixed Bar and Line Graphs.

For trend analysis:
Enrich your data analysis with the addition of Mixed Bar and Line Charts, a more versatile and dynamic analytical tool.
This new feature allows users to combine different types of data in a single chart, making it easier to directly compare and track multiple indicators simultaneously.
With this functionality, Odoo reinforces its platform with advanced data visualization capabilities, enabling a more comprehensive and detailed interpretation of business performance and market trends, crucial for informed and strategic decision making.

Email Template Management.

Improvements in administration and use:
This new version of Odoo introduces a major improvement in email template management, a step forward in communication automation.
It allows users to design, customize and store email templates more easily, ensuring consistency and efficiency in mass communication. 
The new intuitive interface for template creation makes email preparation faster and less error-prone, while the preview functionality ensures that messages are sent with the desired quality and accuracy.

Freeze Column Headers.

Improved navigation:
Odoo 17 marks a milestone in usability by introducing the freezing of column headers, a highly requested feature that improves navigation in large lists. 
This new functionality keeps column headers visible while scrolling through data, which significantly simplifies cross-referencing and reading information in tables with a large number of rows. 
This improved user interface is a clear reflection of Odoo's commitment to the user experience, providing a tool that not only increases productivity but also minimizes data handling errors.

Integration with ChatGPT.

Improvements in text fields with the power of Artificial Intelligence:
Break barriers by innovating with the integration of ChatGPT, offering a powerful artificial intelligence tool that transforms the interaction with the ERP system. 
This integration allows users to perform complex queries, obtain analytical summaries and automate responses in customer service tasks, all using natural language.
The synergy between Odoo and ChatGPT opens up new dimensions of operational efficiency and personalization, allowing companies to take full advantage of AI technology to optimize their business processes and improve the user experience, marking a before and after in intelligent business management.

Electronic Invoicing.

Implementation of e-Invoice to generate and sign electronic invoices:
 It introduces significant improvements in electronic invoicing with the new version of Odoo, extending its functionality to offer a more robust system adapted to global regulations. 
This upgrade facilitates the generation, signing and management of electronic invoices directly from the platform, ensuring compliance with the legal standards of different countries. 
The automation of the invoicing process not only reduces the time and effort required but also minimizes errors, improving accuracy and efficiency
With these enhancements, Odoo 17 reinforces its position as a comprehensive solution for business management, enabling companies to keep up with the latest fiscal and digital requirements.


TicketBAI electronic invoicing integration:

Odoo version 17 introduces a major new feature for users in specific regions with the integration of TicketBAI, an electronic invoicing system designed to promote the use of telematic means in transactions and ensure tax compliance. 
This integration automatically facilitates the generation, signing and sending of electronic invoices in accordance with TicketBAI requirements, significantly simplifying the compliance process for companies in areas where this system is mandatory.
The inclusion of TicketBAI in Odoo 17 not only improves efficiency and security in invoice management, but also ensures greater transparency and traceability in business operations, reinforcing Odoo's commitment to adapting to local regulations and supporting its users for seamless business management.

Printing of the Company ID.

Ability to print the ID on invoices, useful for non-VAT customers:
Odoo 17 introduces a key feature for invoice customization: the possibility to print the invoice ID, especially useful for non-VAT customers. 
This feature responds to the need for adaptability in the issuance of tax documents, allowing companies to adjust their invoices to the specific requirements of international customers or those exempt from VAT.

Export and Import.

Functions for exporting VAT books and importing XML invoices from e-invoice:
This update significantly expands tax management capabilities with new features for exporting VAT ledgers and importing invoices in XML format from e-Invoice. 
These enhancements facilitate interoperability with external accounting and tax compliance systems, enabling companies to manage their tax obligations more efficiently and accurately. 
The ability to export VAT ledgers streamlines reporting and tax auditing, while the e-Invoice XML invoice import simplifies the integration of electronic transactions into Odoo's accounting workflow.

Exempt Taxes and SII.

Update of exempt taxes and improved compatibility with SII reports: 
Odoo 17 introduces key improvements in tax management with the inclusion of advanced functionalities to handle Exempt Taxes and the integration with the Immediate Information System (SII). 
This upgrade allows companies to easily configure tax-exempt products and services, improving accuracy in tax calculation and tax reporting. 
Integration with the SII, on the other hand, automates the transmission of billing records to the Tax Agency in real time, a requirement for many companies in jurisdictions where the SII is mandatory.


Since 2005  

(* Tiny ERP, Open ERP and Odoo)


Custom applications



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Request your customized Demo and discover what Odoo is all about!

More than 10 million users have grown their businesses with Odoo software

Ask us for a quote or request your personalized demo without obligation. 

Odoo is basically a comprehensive business management software.  It is a complete set of open source business applications. Odoo allows the user to use under one platform different business software functionalities such as CRM, sales, inventory, reporting, accounting, invoice sending, web, e-commerce, e-mail marketing and many more. All Odoo applications are fully integrated and communicate with each other.

The easiest way to do this is to start a Free demo at https://www.odoo.com/es_ES/trial or request a demo from one of Odoo's official partners.

Odoo is learned by doing, however, you can access free Odoo courses offered by its creators at https://www.odoo.com/es_ES/slides. To learn in Spanish we recommend our platform Indaws Academy:

More information here

The time to implement Odoo is very variable. Given the modular nature of Odoo, a project can consist of one module or a dozen. Therefore to have an estimate of the average time of an Odoo implementation we must know the number of modules and customizations needed in the project.

As an estimate, we can say that it takes 2 to 4 weeks per application. Taking into account in this time the installation, customization and training necessary for the correct implementation of an Odoo project.

There are several costs to consider in order to obtain the total cost of Odoo.

  • Licensing costs: Odoo has the community version, where licenses are free but functionalities are more limited, and the enterprise version with quite affordable licensing costs per application and user.
  • Hosting cost: Odoo can be hosted on your own servers in the cloud, or on the Odoo.sh platform.
  • Implementation costs: We recommend that you rely on a local partner for the implementation of Odoo, due to the accounting peculiarities of each country. The implementation cost will be directly related to the consulting and development hours needed to carry out the project.
  • To estimate the cost of Odoo, access the Odoo rates functionality:

Fabien Pinckaers' answer to this question was as follows:

Short answer: It means nothing.

Long answer: When we had to choose a new name for TinyERP, we bought two domains: OpenERP.Com and odoo.com. We bought both, just in case, and chose the wrong one (OpenERP).

A few months later, we discussed about using odoo.com for the OpenERP online offering, but we never did so in order not to split the brand (Odoo could have been an acronym for On Demand Open Object). OpenObject was the name of the OpenERP framework at the time, but we no longer use this name.

The official, and more fun, answer is here:  https://www.odoo.com/blog/5/post/156

Fabien Pinckaers is the founder and CEO of Odoo, the company behind the enterprise resource planning (ERP) software of the same name. From his youth, Pinckaers showed a strong interest in software development and entrepreneurship. His passion led him to create TinyER, the forerunner of Odoo.
The open source approach has been crucial in building an active community and expanding the reach and capabilities of Odoo software, making it accessible to companies of all sizes around the world.

Odoo started as Tiny Erp in 2005, in 2008 it was renamed to Open Erp and in 2014 to Odoo, the name by which we know it today. It's funny how users call it and write it in different ways Odu, Oddo, OOdo, but they all refer to the best open source enterprise software.

An ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system is a software that integrates the main operational functions of a company, such as sales, purchasing, accounting, and human resources, into a single system to optimize processes and facilitate decision making. It enables centralized management of data and resources, improving efficiency and productivity.