Odoo e-commerce

Create your online store, design your product pages in a simple and fully customizable way.

Showcase your business in a unique way, make new customers, increse your sales, with Odoo ecommerce.

Lánzate a la venta online con Odoo e incrementa tu beneficio.

With Odoo ecommerce design your online store in a simple, customized and customer-oriented way, and boost your online sales.

Create product pages tailored to your needs, connect your online sales, your invoice register and your inventory, check the status of your shipments.

Offer your customers complementary products or purchase suggestions and increase the range of sales per buyer.

Connect it with your odoo app CRM sales y Odoo support and have a complete view of your online store's sales and customer service.


Ecommerce de Odoo: Potencia Tu Tienda Online con Integración Total

  Odoo Ecommerce  



Increase sales per shopper through cross-selling and complementary product suggestions by automatically showing your customers products that may be of interest to them.

Odoo Ecommerce


Directly connect your products with your inventory, and your online sales and invoices with your accounting. Integrated with numerous payment systems and shipping platforms such as UPS, DHL, FedEx or USPS, among others.

Odoo Ecommerce
Odoo ecommerce is fully focused on the customer, allowing you to organize all your data, track orders, shipments, returns or complaints, as well as download your invoices, all from one place.

Ecommerce con Odoo: Potencia tu Comercio Digital en INDAWS. 

Creamos soluciones de Ecommerce a medida con Odoo, enfocadas en las necesidades únicas de tu negocio para capturar su esencia y aumentar ventas.

Nos enfocamos en proporcionar experiencias de usuario y sistemas de pago eficientes, para construir una tienda online que atrae y fideliza clientes, impulsando tu crecimiento en el competitivo espacio digital.


Ecommerce odoo

Integra completamente tu ERP con las demás herramientas de Marketing de Odoo

Diseño Web Odoo


El Diseño web y Ecommerce de Odoo ofrece una plataforma intuitiva y totalmente integrada que simplifica la creación de tiendas online atractivas y funcionales.  


Email Marketing Odoo


El Email Marketing de Odoo facilita el diseño, envío y seguimiento de campañas de correo electrónico eficaces, permitiendo una comunicación directa y personalizada con tus contactos.  


Marketing Automation Odoo


Marketing Automation de Odoo es una herramienta avanzada que permite automatizar y optimizar campañas de marketing digital, facilitando la gestión de contactos, segmentación de audiencias y análisis de resultados


Odoo Ecommerce is a module within the Odoo Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system, designed to help companies create and manage online stores efficiently. It allows to integrate and automate all business operations, from sales and CRM to inventory and accounting, on a single platform.

Yes, Odoo Ecommerce includes built-in SEO tools that allow users to optimize their product pages and other website pages. You can easily edit meta titles, descriptions and URLs to improve search engine rankings.

Yes, Odoo Ecommerce enables complete inventory and order management. It offers real-time stock updates and order processing automation, which reduces manual workload and improves operational accuracy

Odoo Ecommerce supports a wide range of online payment platforms and allows users to configure their own payment methods, such as credit cards, PayPal, and more.It also integrates various shipping methods, such as FedEx, DHL and UPS, ensuring an efficient and traceable delivery process..

Absolutely, Odoo Ecommerce is scalable and can adapt to the needs of any company, from startups to large corporations. Its flexibility allows companies to expand and adjust their ecommerce operations as they grow.

At Indaws, we offer full technical support and consulting services for Odoo Ecommerce implementation. Our team of experts is available to assist in every step of the process, from initial configuration to optimization and ongoing maintenance.

Odoo Ecommerce provides analytics and reporting tools that allow users to monitor the performance of their store. You can access visual reports on sales, web traffic, and customer behavior to make informed decisions and improve your commercial strategy.

Odoo Ecommerce implements robust security measures, including data encryption and security protocols for online transactions. This ensures that both customer information and payment data are kept safe and secure at all times.

More than 5 million users have grown their businesses with Odoo software.

Ask us for a quote or request your personalized demo without obligation.