Odoo Projects

With the Odoo business management system, manage your projects, assign resources and task to your team, analyze results and delivery time, with Odoo Projects.

odoo proyectos

Organize your projects and maximize profits.

With Odoo Projects plan the tasks of each project, assign them to your team, improve collaboration between employees.

Check the progression of task and workflows, increase the efficiency of your team, maximize the benefits of your projects. 

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Odoo Projects, the customizable, agile and simple software.


proyectos odoo


Allocate resources, employees and tasks for each project, according to needs forecast data, based on previous projects.​


tareas odoo


Add comments and documents to tasks to share with your employees. Communicate with your team through the project wall.


gestión proyectos odoo



Track the progress of each of your project tasks with graphical presentations. Analyze, filter and group data to evaluate results.

How does the Odoo project module help to manage multiple projects and teams simultaneously?

Odoo's project module is designed to manage multiple projects and teams simultaneously. It provides a centralized interface where managers can view and manage all activities, resources and deadlines. Using tools such as Kanban boards and Gantt charts, users can organize tasks, assign responsibilities and track the progress of each project in real time. This facilitates coordination between teams and ensures that all projects move forward as planned.

Odoo provides integrated time tracking and invoicing functionality, allowing users to record the time spent on each task and project directly in the platform. This information can be automatically used to generate detailed invoices based on hours worked, which is ideal for companies that bill by time and material. In addition, Odoo allows different hourly rates to be configured by project or employee, which adds flexibility in the financial management of projects.

Odoo's project module facilitates cross-departmental collaboration through integrated communication tools such as chats, shared notes and forums. It allows different teams to access project information in real time, ensuring that everyone is aligned on goals and progress. In addition, automatic alerts and notifications can be set up to keep everyone informed of important updates or changes to the project.

The projects module integrates seamlessly with other Odoo modules, such as CRM, Sales, Human Resources, and Accounting. This integration provides a holistic view and facilitates the efficient management of all facets of the business. For example, sales opportunities can be converted directly into projects, and labor costs recorded in projects can be automatically linked to accounting for accurate cost allocation and project profitability.

Odoo supports agile project management with features such as customizable Kanban boards, sprint planning, and progress tracking charts. These tools help implement agile methodologies, facilitating iterative planning, task prioritization, and continuous delivery. Teams can quickly adapt their strategies and work methods to changing project conditions, improving agility and business responsiveness.

Yes, Odoo's project module is highly customizable. It allows users to modify workflows, create custom fields, and adjust interfaces according to the specific needs of each company. This means that regardless of business size or industry sector, the module can be tailored to optimize project management, ensuring that all the specific features required by any organization are available and efficient.

More than 5 million users have grown their businesses with Odoo software.

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