¿Do you know Chat GPT? Find out how to use it to help you in your daily tasks

Maximizing business efficiency with GPT Chat

In today's digital age, transformation and innovation are key to business success. Companies are constantly looking for ways to optimize their operations, increase efficiency and improve customer experience. In this context, ChatGPT emerges as a powerful tool, adaptable to the needs of each company, and with great potential to drive growth and competitiveness.

ChatGPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) is an artificial intelligence system developed by OpenAI that is based on neural networks and trained with large amounts of text, which allows it to learn patterns and generate coherent, relevant and contextually accurate responses in human-like conversations. 

In this blog, we will see how ChatGPT works, how you can apply it in the business environment, and we will give you practical tips for its implementation with real examples so you can start using it correctly in your company TODAY.


¿How it works? The 5 basic principles


ChatGPT has been previously trained on a vast dataset that includes books, articles, websites and other types of text. During this process, the model learns to predict the next word in a sentence given the context of previous words. This training allows it to understand and generate human language in a coherent manner.

  Fine learning or specific adjustment

After the initial training, ChatGPT undergoes a fine tuning process with more specific data or for particular tasks. This helps the model to specialize in certain topics or conversation styles..

   Inreal time interaction

When you interact with ChatGPT, you provide it with a "prompt" or text input. The model uses its training to generate a response based on the context and content of your prompt. Each word generated by ChatGPT is based on the prediction of the most likely word, taking into account both the user's prompt and the words it has already generated.

   Optimization of objectives

ChatGPT is designed to maximize a specific goal, such as generating text that is consistent, relevant and human. OpenAI has implemented several techniques to improve the quality of responses, such as reinforcement from imitation learning (RLHF), which helps adjust the model based on human preferences.

   Continuous learning

Although the version of ChatGPT you access does not learn from real-time interactions (to protect privacy and consistency), OpenAI collects data and feedback on a regular basis to train new versions of the model, improving its performance and text generation capability.

In short, ChatGPT works by analyzing large amounts of text, learning language patterns, and then using that learning to generate consistent, contextual responses to user input.


How can we get the most out of it?

Let's pay attention to principles 3 and 4. The concept of "prompt" and the goal are very important to obtain a good performance with generative Artificial Intelligence, because as we have already seen, context is very important. If you want to successfully use ChatGPT to perform your daily tasks or for your tasks within a company you will need to give it a context, a goal or function, and a clear explanation. Pay attention and at the end of the article you will see real examples. Now, where could I use AI to improve my business or increase productivity?

una mano humana y una mano de robot juntandose en el logo de chatgpt

In what areas can I implement it?

Nowadays it can be applied in most areas of the company, but these would be some more basic examples (developed at the end):

  • Customer Service: Provide prompt, personalized and accurate responses to customer inquiries, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  • Marketing and sales: Create engaging and personalized content for different target audiences, increase conversion rates and build customer loyalty.
  • Human Resources: Automate repetitive tasks, such as applicant management and onboarding of new employees.
  • Product development: Generate innovative ideas for products and services, identify market needs and optimize the development process.

Practical examples

We have already explained how you can communicate with the chat to get the best answers. Now we will look at a couple of examples in the customer service area:

1. Our customer service manager will not be able to answer our customers' questions this week and we have asked ChatGPT to do it.

conversacion con el chatgpt 1

In this case, we decided to test him by asking him something complex and he answered correctly, but he also answers in a simple way with less complex questions.

conversacion con el chat gpt 2

Another example

Same company, different situation. In this case we have attached a document with the most common questions we receive in the company and the answers we give (we have been able to attach it since we have ChatGPT 4.0, but with ChatGPT 3.5 it would work the same, writing it in the prompt. We have explained its function to the chat and have attached document below the picture:

conversacion con el chatgpt numero 3

Word document:

documento preguntas a la inteligencia artificial resolver

And as expected, it has responded perfectly.

conversacion chatgpt duda constructora

In a nutshell

ChatGPT is a powerful tool if you know how to use it. If you use all the tips we have given you and start implementing artificial intelligence in all those areas of your company that generate inefficiencies, you will see in record time how all those funnels will be emptied.

How could I implement AI in my work step by step?

1. You must select a platform or tool that supports its implementation. 

2. Train the model by providing it with a large amount of relevant data and conversations related to your company's domain.. 

3. Define the specific functionalities you want and set up the conversation flow. 

4. Test, collect feedback and continuously improve the model. 

5. Deploy the solution in your company, provide support and perform periodic updates to optimize its performance.  

Is important to remember that, like any tool or technology, artificial intelligence is not infallible and may require continuous adjustment and improvement.The response to an AI error depends on several factors, including the nature of the error, its impact on business operations, and the ease with which the problem can be identified and corrected. Generally, the following steps are followed:

  1. It is crucial to determine the root cause of the error. This may involve reviewing the input data, algorithms, or decision logic that the AI used to reach its conclusion.Error identification and analysis
  2. Once the error has been identified, it is corrected. This may mean adjusting the AI model (e.g., training it with more data or modifying its parameters) or correcting errors in the input data.Correction and adjustment:
  3. Future prevention: Processes and practices are analyzed to avoid similar errors in the future. This may include implementing better data management practices, improving AI monitoring, or adjusting testing and validation procedures.

It is vital to maintain human oversight and control mechanisms in AI systems to mitigate the effects of potential errors and ensure that the technology is used in an ethical and responsible manner. In addition, fostering a continuous learning environment for both the AI and the human teams working with it can help minimize errors and maximize the business benefits of this technology. 

The concern that artificial intelligence (AI) could replace human jobs is understandable, but the answer is more nuanced than a simple yes or no. AI has the potential to automate specific tasks, especially those that are repetitive, predictable and rule-based. AI has the potential to automate specific tasks, especially those that are repetitive, predictable and rule-based. However, this does not necessarily mean that AI will replace all aspects of a job or eliminate jobs altogether.

Es probable que la IA transforme el mercado laboral, pero también ofrece oportunidades para la creación de empleo y el enriquecimiento del trabajo. Quizás la IA no te quitará el trabajo pero una persona que la use, sí. 

And if you want to continue maximizing your productivity and take a look at these blogs as well.




                                Chat GPT es una herramienta de las miles que ofrece el mundo digital para impulsar tu negocio. Aprovecha todas sus ventajas con nosotros a través del ERP Odoo, en inDAWS somos expertos en dar soluciones a sectores empresariales concretos.

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