Odoo Web

Odoo Website is a website creation software solution that you can use to design your own website without any technical knowledge. The application allows you to easily configure and manage your Odoo website with simple tools.
Selecciona las Design the right Odoo website for your company, whatever your industry. Select the 
odoo app specific website for your company, and create your ideal Odoo website to attract customers. 

Create a modern, mobile-friendly business website. Finally, you can integrate the software with other Odoo applications, such as CRM, sales, human resources, e-commerce and event solutions..

Odoo Website Apps






You can choose one of the available Odoo templates and readjust your design by dragging and dropping the blocks according to your preferences. After adding your content and your Odoo website is ready to go. Odoo websites are responsive web and provide a pleasant experience to visitors on any device, be it desktop or mobile.




Access integrated marketing Odoo Apps such as SEO tools, Adword optimization, link tracker and A/B testing to enable your site to attract more customers. Odoo website can help you convert visitors into buyers with smart calls to action.


How does Odoo Web make it easy to create business websites without technical knowledge?
  1. Intuitive Interface: Easy to use with drag-and-drop approach
  2. No Technical Knowledge Required: Accessible to users of any technical level.
  3. Customizable Templates: Wide variety of templates adaptable to different business needs.
  4. Easy Management: Easy configuration and administration of the web site.

Odoo's website module offers a wide range of tools and templates designed to enhance the user experience. With easy-to-use customization options, you can create a responsive website that looks and works well on any device. Features such as optimized loading speed, intuitive menus and the ease of integrating calls to action and forms ensure that visitors enjoy smooth and satisfying navigation.

Yes, the Odoo website module integrates seamlessly with other Odoo applications, including eCommerce, CRM, and Email Marketing, allowing businesses to manage their online store, track customer interactions and automate marketing campaigns from a single platform. This integration facilitates cohesive business management and improves operational efficiency.

Odoo offers several built-in SEO tools to help improve your website's visibility in search engines. These include options to customize URLs, meta tags and descriptions, automatic XML sitemaps, and 301 redirects. In addition, you can easily add SEO optimized content, such as blogs and landing pages, which helps drive more organic traffic to your site.

Our website is entirely made with Odoo Website!

Odoo's website module fully supports the creation of multilingual websites, allowing companies to target a global audience. It is easy to set up; you can add additional languages through the administration panel and manage the translations of your content directly within the platform. This makes it easy to maintain a consistent and professional website in multiple languages, facilitating the globalization or internationalization of your company.

  1. Compatibility with Mobile Devices: Adaptive websites for a good visualization on mobile and desktops.
  2. Improved User Experience: Attractive and functional design for all visitors.
  3. Advanced Editing: Design tools to customize the aesthetics and functionality of the site.

Odoo Web has several ways to integrate your marketing tools that allow you to improve conversion and attract customers, among them are the following:

  • SEO and Adword Optimization: Improving search engine visibility and advertising campaigns.
  • Link Tracking and A/B Testing: Web site performance analysis and optimization.
  • Smart 'Calls to Action': Tools to effectively convert visitors into customers.

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